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List z EKF ohľadne ME kadetov, juniorov, U21 Praha 2022.

Majstrovstvá Európy kadetov, juniorov, U21, Praha 17. - 19. 6. 2022


Vekové kategórie budú platiť podľa WKF súťažných pravidiel - t.j. bude platiť vek pretekára k prvému dňu šampionátu.




Dear friend,

As regards the postponement of the 2022 EKF Cadet, Junior & U21 Championships in Prague, now scheduled for the 17-19 June, we have received comments on the date to be applied for the age limit, on the issue of the new date selected, etc.

The new date has been fixed after thoroughful consideration, and with the objective of not cancelling the event in spite of the many obstacles existing. In August, for example, the venue selected was not available - under refurbishment-, and in any case during the peak visitors season in Prague the prices of the hotels were unbearable, as everybody can imagine. Also, we understood that the month of June could be an issue for students, but at the end the date finally fixed is the one that makes possible to achieve the main objective of having the event taking place.

As regards to the ages, we have to stick to the WKF competition rules, that establish very clearly that the age is the one determined at the first day of the event. Any change on this brings up issues like the fact that minors compete agains adults, and this, in a combat sport, is something that can have serious legal liabilities that nobody can ask the EKF to face. The competition rules are not there to be changed when we want. This same principle and procedure has been consistently followed throughout these challenging pandemic times where we have been already forced to postpone our competitions.

We work the best we can to represent the general interests, and we understand that it is imposible to match all different views and opinions, but at the end the benefit of giving to our athletes the opportunity to compete is what counts and this is achieved by celebrating the event.

We thank you all in advance for your efforts and for your support of the event.

Best regards,

Antonio Espinós
EKF President