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ANOC Beach Games 2023

ANOC Beach Games 2023


Kvalifikačný systém - Beach Games 2023-SK

... Bali (Indonézia) bolo vyhlásené za ďalšieho hostiteľa Svetových plážových hier ANOC 2023, do ktorých je už druhý rok ako jeden zo základných športov opäť zahrnuté aj karate.


Súťaž v karate sa uskutoční 6. a 7. augusta 2023 s World Beach Games prebiehajúcimi od 5. do 12. augusta.

Na tomto ročníku budú rovnaké kategórie ako v Doha 2019: Kata jednotlivci muži a ženy.


Kvalifikačný systém pre Hry na Bali 2023 je teraz pripravený: https://www.wkf.net/multisports-events-main/223.





Dear National Federations,

A few days ago, Bali (Indonesia) was announced as the next host of the 2023 ANOC World Beach Games, with Karate being included again in this second edition of the event, as one of the core sports. The dates of Karate competition will be 6th and 7th August 2023, with the World Beach Games taking place from 5th to 12th August.

At this edition the same categories as will be taking place as in Doha 2019: individual female and male Kata. The Qualification System for these Games in Bali 2023 is now ready and we highly encourage all our National Federations to carefully read through this important document at our dedicated section of the WKF website: https://www.wkf.net/multisports-events-main/223<https://notice.wkf.net/c/rqzx2/yfkbqqjh/_j5kpxd6r18>.


We will regularly be updating this section with more information on the event in the coming months.

Best regards,
Antonio Espinós
WKF President